Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend wasn't long enough!

Since we are all moved in we decided to have some people over Saturday afternoon/ evening to really break in the new house. We went swimming and had a litttttllllleeee too much to drink but it was really fun! The house feels much more homey now that people have been here and we got to show everyone around a little bit.
Kitchen after we moved from beer and white wine to vodka/rock stars)

Our one pool raft (Peter, Ashleigh, and Brian tackling the raft)

On Sunday we were going through all of our pictures trying to decide which ones to frame in the house and ohmygosh I found some of Cole at his first Christmas- I can't believe he was so little! I need a good one of Grace from Hawaii, anyone have one they want to email to me?

Our anniversary is tomorrow (thanks for sharing the date, Car) and I was thinking of just cooking at home. I'm thinking a Pioneer Woman recipe for marinated steak, it looks delicious. We have a tiny grill outside that came with the house and everytime Peter starts it I get nervous we are both going to blow up. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen. (That would make for an unpleasant anniversary).


  1. Wow... I am so jealous of your life! I miss you!

  2. Dre! Your house looks so awesome! Post more pics of each room-you know, take us on a virtual tour!
