Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Best Pickle I Have Ever Had!

I just wanted to do a quick post, because I am obsessed with these... Please do yourself a favor and go get some at Costco. That is the only place I have been able to find them and they are the best pickles I have ever had. Seriously, I eat them by themselves as a snack instead of Cheetos... in fact I would pick them over Cheetos (for those of you who know my love of Cheetos, you know this is serious).

I am blogging this because I have eaten like half a jar in one sitting as I type. Go get them and tell me what you think!


  1. These look delicious--please bring some to the office right now.

  2. I literally got in my vehicle after reading this post and drove the 1.3 miles to Costco to buy these pickle chips...only to find that our Costco doesn't carry them! I think I have to find a Famous Daves now.

  3. I've had them at Famous Daves, and Car, you will not be disappointed.
