Thursday, July 12, 2012

Malcolm Gladwell, Grey Nails & Kiddos

OK--so I just read Dre's post about Outliers.  I am currently reading The Tipping Point by him and I really like it.  It is actually for the ACC Bookclub.  I guess I should have posted that under "Books We Are Reading".

About the "Redshirting"...I was redshirted (did two years of kindergarten) and started my second year right before I turned 6.  I think it was a really good idea.  Dre, you will have to tell us what he thinks about it.

I painted my nails grey yesterday, trying to be hip and cool.  While we were going to bed, I asked Todd if he liked them and he said, "No, I was thinking while you were making dinner that you ran your hands through muddy pond water".  So, at least we have honesty.  I took a picture of them--be honest--am I way too old to try this trend???

Dirty Pond Water???


  1. No way are you too old! I love that color!

  2. i love the color but definitely laughed out loud at Todd's comment. I think we should all redshirt! they way they make it sound, sounds great! You become a natural leader to your peers and always think you are smarter apparently. Both things you want in your child, to feel smart and be a leader. I say look into it. Some school districts are not allowing it though, which is crazy. Like, you have to register for first grade if their birthday falls before a certain date. just because so many parents are doing this and other parents think its an unfair advantage. people really get riled up about some crazy stuff huh?

  3. Whoa whoa whoa Todd... Ashlee and I have matching nails right now. Don't knock the grey! It goes with everything and unlike every nude polish I try, it doesn't make my nails look like shiny flaps of skin.

  4. Lacey: that's disgusting but made me laugh

  5. Shiny flaps of skin is the best thing I've ever heard. Seriously laughed out loud.
