Monday, July 9, 2012

District of Columbia

This blog is looking better and better with each post, I love it!

I fell in love with DC this weekend, I think it is only a matter of time until I am back there to live someday. The first night we got there we found the coolest restaurant in Dupont Circle that had some of the best tapas I have ever had. We had a Russian waitress that recommended this weird Russian beer that was absolutely fantastic (and about 24 oz., they were huge). Cam and I had two each. 

We spent the entire next day nursing hangovers in 100 degree weather going to museums... it sorta was hell, until I got food. After I had a good amount of caffeine in me, we went to the American History Museum. It was amazing, I learned more there than I did in the entire New Mexico high school curriculum. War of 1812?!? Had no idea what that was... but now, I dare you to ask me about it!  

The next day we had to wake up to see Murphy (Cam's best friend) graduate from OCS. It was a really cool experience to see what Cam had gone through 2 weeks before he met me... and all of his stories about the heat were true. I have never been so hot, it was crazy to see the conditions the candidates have to endure in order to become an officer. The men who were graduating were literally passing out from the heat. It made me realize how hard these men work to be where they are and how hard Cam has worked for his commissioning in August. I was a very proud girlfriend all weekend. (I was proud of Murphy too!)

That night, we went to POV which is a bar that overlooks the White House, Washington Monument, and Lincoln Monument. All of the sudden, while watching the presidents security on the White House roof,  you realize that you are in one of the most powerful cities in the world. I have never felt so small and yet so powerful at once. DC has a quality that makes everyone in it feel like they have a purpose, the energy of the city and of the people is contagious. Cam and I went real-estate shopping the next morning.

Leaving the US for medical school was one of the scariest decisions I have made thus far, and while I am excited for the adventure, I couldn't be more proud of where I come from. 'MERICA!!! 


  1. How cool! The whole weekend sounds amazing- especially the bar on the last night, that view was unbelievable! I want to hear all about it in more detail, but it sounds like you and Cam had a really good getaway weekend while celebrating Murphy. Can you do one of your rotations in DC you think? Or somewhere close? I can't even imagine the heat and humidity out there right now, at least Phoenix is a dry heat :/

  2. I need to look up if they have rotations out here... that would be awesome! Dry heat is so much nicer and there is at least a breeze in NM and AZ... There was no relief in DC this weekend, except inside stores... which lead to me spending much more than planned. lol.

  3. Wow, that looks so fun! One note-it does not get to be 115 degrees for months at a time in DC-just saying. Anyway, looks like you had a blast. If you end up married to Cam and he stays in the Marines, you will live out there for sure I bet.
