Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goin' Back to Cali


Look! I'm blogging! Though, I'm actually starting to worry about my learning capabilities due to how very, very long it has taken me to figure out this new fangled thing. I just got back to my house in Val Verde this morning, after quite a drive through the southwest with Allen. The drive took about 14 hours, but it was actually pretty fun! 

First, we downloaded the audiobook version of Keith Richards' autobiography Life, which was maybe the best idea ever. Johnny Depp is the narrator, which makes the stories sound even more aaaamazing. Also for it's really nice to have someone read to you– it's not just reserved for sleepy kids to be able to enjoy anymore!

Then Allen came up with the brilliant idea to use our long car ride for a spa day! After stopping for supplies at Walgreens, we created a four-step car facial regimen, giving us the softest skin evaaaaaa! Seriously, the next time you drive across the country (at night so no one can see that you have a clay face mask on), DO IT.

Now I'm back in California and missing everyone already– but I especially miss being able to see you all for lunch at Durans... wait for it... Ha! One gold star for an outstanding use of wordplay. BOOM.  

...really though, I would kill for a strawberry milkshake and a torpedo right now. Or just anything that doesn't include a hefty serving of cilantro. 


  1. I am so flabbergasted that you blogged and I also am jealous of your writing abilities... I lobe the face mask road trip idea!

  2. We miss you too Lace!! Enjoyed your post immensely:)

  3. Lace!!! I am so excited you blogged! Yay, the face mask idea is brilliant!

  4. ooooh i am going to have to get that audio book!
    Does anyone know how to link your email to this blog? like, to have it notify me when things posted and what not?

  5. Sure, call me. I know all about it. Lacey, can't wait until August when you return. Drea, can you come home then, also? Caity will still be here, too.
