Monday, July 2, 2012

Movin' On Up

     This weekend was the big move! Friday we packed the rest of my apartment and made a few trips from the Grigio (Peter's apartment) to the new house. The movers came on Saturday and took care of my stuff, and then we made it a late night and finished up Peter's apartment. Keep in mind it was about 110 degrees all weekend- perfect moving weather :/ I'm happy to say that Pete and I have everything we own in one house now! The apartment in Glendale is totally empty and the Grig is completely cleaned out (tear). But we are all moved in! Well, at least all the boxes are in the house- now we just have to unpack them all.
     The house is awesome, and we are almost done with the guest room, so come on over everyone! Peter has been setting up the cable/internet and putting all the furniture back together (2 or 3 trips to Home Depot yesterday?) and I have been trying to get as many boxes unpacked as possible. In a weird way, I really like unpacking, just the feeling of finding a perfect place for everything. The only downside to this plan is that I know where everything is and Peter has to play a game called "If I were a (insert object), where would I be?" I'm refraining from putting my flowery quilts and pink photo albums out in the living room and am trying to butch the place up a bit :)
     We took a break Sunday evening to try out our new pool, and with a couple of beers and the sun setting, we were both pretty happy. Other than a slightly cold shower this morning, we haven't had too many hiccups. I can't wait for you all to come see it!

(This is a picture taken when we signed the lease- two weeks ago today!)


  1. Ahhh!!! I love it dre... you both seem so happy! Your grown up life is turning out so well! Congrats, I cannot wait to see it!

  2. Thanks Cait! We have a spare bedroom with your name on it :)
