Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lemonade Connoisseur and Other Cravings

So, after 9 months of researching this topic, I am going to let you all in on my recommendations for the best lemonade in the entire world! Trust me I have tried enough to feel completely confident in my recommendations. One thing to remember: There are really two categories of lemonade, the lemonade you buy to drink at home (although I don't think non-pregnant people drink lemonade at home on the regular) and the lemonade that you get from restaurants. Lucky for you, I have recommendations for both!

Best lemonade from the grocery:

Newman’s Own Old Fashioned Roadside Virgin Lemonade

Best lemonade from a restaurant:

Hot Dog on a Stick’s Muscle Beach Lemonade-or in Cali-there are just Muscle Beach Lemonade stands without the cured meat. Their ice is like small little ice shavings (you all know how important ice is in a beverage!)

*Note: Chick-fil-a is a close second, but their ice is bad, bad, bad (huge square chunks, bleh)

Another note on cravings-I polish off an entire carton of peaches from Costco in about 5 days, like every 5 days as well as at least one watermelon a week. Seriously, the fruit obsession is getting ridiculous!

That’s all, now I know none of you will ever even use this information because lemonade is not low-cal, but just in case you ever get in the mood for the best beverage on the planet, I thought I would share!

One other thing-Gizmo got ahold of the baby's Sophie giraffe toy and he LOVES it. Like seriously, will not stop playing with it, so we decided to let Gizmo have it and get the baby a new one. Here is a pic of the cutest dog on the planet and his new toy:

Also, here is a recent pic of the bump (35 weeks)!



  1. Ahhhhhh!!!! Look at your bump! SO SOOOOON!!!! If you can't tell, I'm excited. Lemonade is amazing, but I am more interested in your fruit obsession. I have been loving peaches lately! I made the Pioneer Woman's peach crisp with maple drizzle (warning: NOT lo-cal) and it was unbelievable. Peaches taken to a new level!
    That's the cutest pic of Giz! Maybe he's forgotten me and I can have a second chance? How are you going to help Gizmo adjust next month? :-/

  2. You seriously look so cute. "Beemo" (how Gracie says Gizmo) looks pretty cute as well. For those that are not pregnant (hopefully everyone besides Car): I am a big fan of Chick F'la's diet lemonade--very yummy and only 6 carbs!!!
